
“Through working with designers from different design disciplines and communicating with different stakeholders, we learned different values and priorities. To design a circular system, we need to be patient, be open-minded, be inclusive, be creative and, most importantly, keep things simple.”



Goldsmiths University of London - United Kingdom

A multi-university team of six master students from Goldsmiths, University of London, University of Cincinnati, and the Illinois Institute of Technology. The team includes diverse design profiles in service design, user experience design, space & experience design, and industrial design. They are grateful for the opportunity to learn new tools and resources and put them into (design) practice.


Team members - Xiaolin Yang (China), Siyuan Teng (China), Cuixian Yin (China), Rui Pang (China), Yujie Tang (China) and Yiqi Fan (China)

“The service solution is well thought out and clearly presented. The team did a brilliant job of qualitative research for their end-users, interviewing and observing them to draw thoughtful insights and identifying key pain points.”

Assessment coach, Harriet Ruff - Senior Managing Experience Strategist at IBM iX, London, United Kingdom

Service concept

CIRCEAUTY - a service aimed at raising awareness about environmental protection by engaging users in a transparent recycling system. It focuses on reducing cosmetics' pollution by providing users with pre-processing instructions and recycling points through an app and physical collection points.


Other teams


Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

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Connect with us


Until when can teams register?
Teams can register until January 14, 2022. They will have until Friday January 21, 2022 (11:59:59 PM CET) to submit their research proposal(s). We expect that the preparation for a proposal will take at least a few weeks.
Can I enter the challenge alone?
You cannot participate as an individual student. You need to be part of a team of 4 to 7 members.
Is there any limitation on the number of members in a team?
Yes. The team needs to have at the least 4 team members and no more than 7 team members. All team members have to be students.
I am not a Service Design student. Can I enter the challenge?
Yes, you can. You need to be part of a multidisciplinary team, preferably with at least one design student.
Is there an age limit for entering the challenge?
No, there are no age restrictions, as long as you meet the criteria about student status.
Can a team submit more than one research proposal?
Yes a team can submit more than one research proposal, but you should submit each proposal separately.
What happens to our ideas, materials, etc.?
As a participant in the challenge you will retain intellectual property ownership of all your challenge submission ideas. There is no transfer of intellectual property rights to any third party as a condition of participating in the challenge. Please read our Official rules before submitting.