
“As master students, the scope and structure of this project opportunity were like another full master semester, with guidance from very professional and experienced coaches throughout different stages. Every comment and feedback we received was significant and helpful, providing us with very constructive ideas and driving us to be more creative and innovative.”



The Glasgow School of Art - Scotland

With different design backgrounds: service design, interaction design and industrial design, the team members are all currently enrolled in the Master in Design Innovation at The Glasgow School of Art. As Chinese students, they hoped to take advantage of this opportunity to focus on environmental issues in their adopted local context of Scotland and see how service design can empower the reverse logistics of products and address wicked problems.


Team members - Yuzheng Zhang (China), Xiangyu Qi (China), Qiti Zhang (China) and Qiannan Liu (China)

“The team did a great job explaining the scope and scale of the problem. The idea to help local businesses tap into the economy of scale that helps chains recycle is a compelling one.”

Assessment coach, Katie Smiley - Design Research Lead at IBM Watson Health Imaging, Chicago, United States

Service concept

Tri-Ca - an innovative used-paper cup recycling subscription service for local cafés in Scotland. It distinguishes the two stages of collection and delivery in service and empowers café owners to select and subscribe to a recycling plan that is most suitable for them. Through the Ca-delivery service, it strengthens the linkage between local cafés and other stakeholders in local communities.


Other teams


Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

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Until when can teams register?
Teams can register until January 14, 2022. They will have until Friday January 21, 2022 (11:59:59 PM CET) to submit their research proposal(s). We expect that the preparation for a proposal will take at least a few weeks.
Can I enter the challenge alone?
You cannot participate as an individual student. You need to be part of a team of 4 to 7 members.
Is there any limitation on the number of members in a team?
Yes. The team needs to have at the least 4 team members and no more than 7 team members. All team members have to be students.
I am not a Service Design student. Can I enter the challenge?
Yes, you can. You need to be part of a multidisciplinary team, preferably with at least one design student.
Is there an age limit for entering the challenge?
No, there are no age restrictions, as long as you meet the criteria about student status.
Can a team submit more than one research proposal?
Yes a team can submit more than one research proposal, but you should submit each proposal separately.
What happens to our ideas, materials, etc.?
As a participant in the challenge you will retain intellectual property ownership of all your challenge submission ideas. There is no transfer of intellectual property rights to any third party as a condition of participating in the challenge. Please read our Official rules before submitting.