Köln International School of Design (KISD) - Germany
Team Nein (9) is based in Cologne, Germany where they are all students at KISD and studying an international program: Master in Integrated Design. Their backgrounds are in communication, product, and service design, as well as marketing and architecture. An international team, they all share a passion for human-centred design, bespoke design research methods, co-creation, and using all of these practices for good to help improve the design of healthcare services.
Team members - Kadir Kara (Germany), Aura Maria Patiño Casallas (Colombia), Molly Joy Oberholtzer (United States), Pukpik Sithongsurapana (Thailand)
Assessment coach, Shilpa Marathe, IBM Watson IoT Center Munich, Germany
Service concept
PD - the health tracker that makes healthy choices seamless and fun. PD takes people at risk of diabetes on an interactive journey where they experience real life situations that are bad for them. As they interact with the app they learn to say no (nein!) to bad habits and break up with them. PD is an AI companion that follows a person’s behaviours in everyday situations. Statistics let the user learn more about health and reflect on the decisions they make in their routines. PD will suggest healthy alternatives step-by-step that feel like they come from a friend.
Other teams
Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
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