University of the Arts London - United Kingdom
Team London Arts 1 (BRONZE winner) is a group of Service Design students passionate about applying service design methods to tackle problems and support people. Complementary design skills, mutual trust and spirit of challenge made them work well as a team. As Chinese students, the team was also interested in how situations and services in the UK differed from those in their homeland. They all share an interest in how service design can empower highly specialised fields such as medicine, and the SSDC heart health brief gave them the opportunity to explore solutions in this area.
Team members - Xiaolin Huang (China), Xinyi Dai (China), Qingrui Zhang (China), Wenhan Ding (China)
Assessment coach, Andrew Kettenis, IBM Studios London, UK
Service concept
Heartsease - wants to improve the medical experience of elderly cardiac patients, empower them to better communicate with medical experts and support them to live a positive life. The tool, passport + stickers, helps improve the communication between elderly patients and medical staff, informing patients of the medical process and providing them with personalized plan-making experiences which can be reused in different hospitals. The passport combines with a digital platform for doctors and nurses to print the stickers.
Other teams
Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
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