Politecnico di Milano - Italy
Team Milano is an international team of designers studying a Master in Product Service System design at Politecnico di Milano. Coming from Brazil and the United States, and with backgrounds in graphic design and industrial design, Team Milano members share a passion for working on projects that can transform the world into a more fair and sustainable place to live.They decided to participate in the Student Service Design Challenge because they recognized the significant potential of working on a real life problem and getting coached by some of the best minds in the industry.
Team members - Angela Corrado (USA), Luiza Braga Campos (Brazil), Thomas Tonapi (USA), Mariah Madureira Giacchetta (Brazil)
Assessment coach, Ora Peled Nakash, IBM Studios Haifa, Israel
Service concept
CURA - empowering women to care for their hearts. CURA is a subscription service and non-profit organization that empowers Italian women to better care for their heart health, build awareness for CVD and manage risk factors through activity based support groups, a dedicated health ambassador, a goal setting and tracking platform and a medical device lending service (HeartBox).
Other teams
Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
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