University of the Arts London - United Kingdom
Team London Arts 2 are students at University of the Arts London enrolled in the Master in Service Design. The students became friends in a language class and saw the Challenge as an opportunity to work together. As an interdisciplinary team their backgrounds include UX design, business management, architecture, and creative copywriting. They aim to support vulnerable people by making their lives a little better.
Team members - Pin Yuan (China), Watanya Sureechainirun (Thailand), Min Deng (China), Ryoko Baba (Japan)
Assessment coach, Demetra Brady, IBM Studios London, UK
Service concept
After 3 Kitchen - provides a service that helps schools host an after school cooking club and an online platform for families to share and exchange their knowledge and experience. Turning schools and children into promoters, the service introduces families to affordable, convenient and enjoyable healthy food.
Other teams
Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
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