Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering - Spain
Team Bright Hearts is a multi-tasking group of Industrial Design Engineering students from Elisava, a leading university in design and engineering in Barcelona. The team was efficient in assigning specific roles to each member: from 3D modeling, target contact, video and photo production to graphic design. They efficiently combined their separate strengths to undertake the challenge.
Team members - Mariana Benitez (Mexico), Josep Villanueva Serra (Spain), Patricia Marrón Torres (Spain), Maria Casas Herrero (Spain)
Assessment coach, Frances DiMare, IBM Watson Health / Austin, USA
Service concept
BrightHearts - a service that aims to create a positive experience for children with CHD as well as social acceptance, as well as provide a better understanding of what this disease is. It is a book, a toy and a virtual reality created for kids especially those with CHD.
Other teams
Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
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