University of the Arts London - United Kingdom
Team ‘C-air’ are students at the University of the Arts London all pursuing different master degree specializations: Service Design, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures, and User Experience Design. Their team name is a word game: meant to sound like “care” but reflecting their target users: flight attendants. They joined the challenge because they share an interest in how service design can address wicked problems as social health issues.
Team members - Yujie Li (China), Jiasheng Xiong (China), Qingyang Tan (China), Tiannan Zhao (China)
Assessment coach, Kunjnita Patel, IBM Studios London, UK
Service concept
FlightPlanner - an app + product (Illumirror) that helps flight attendants adjust shift work and jet lag. Through light therapy and scheduling recommendations, users can develop better sleeping habits and help prevent illness and improve heart health.
Other teams
Initiated and powered by Philips Experience Design
and co-organized with SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE, in
collaboration with IBM and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
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