

Winner announcement


Winner announcement


Student design team Innove (Politecnico di Milano) wins Student Service Design Challenge 2024


Student design team Innove (Politecnico di Milano) wins Student Service Design Challenge 2024

For the 5th anniversary edition of the Challenge, student teams from recognised design academies and universities from around the globe invested 5 months in the design research, ideation and development of their service concepts aiming to turn the tide for good. The Jury selected 'Innove', a team of four Master’s in Product-Service System Design students from Politecnico di Milano, as the Gold winner. Their ‘Refilme’ service comprehensively reimagines skincare and sustainability.

Unlike previous years, the 2024 Student Service Design Challenge has encompassed four unique challenges. On top of winning the overall 2024 competition, students could win an 8-week design incubation program for one of these four challenges. Student teams were invited to design a service concept to:

  • Turn the tide on fragmented healthcare experiences (Philips) 
  • Turn the tide on the packaging waste epidemic (ISDIN)
  • Turn the tide to enable more sustainable lives at home (IKEA)
  • Turn the tide in time-critical emergencies (Laerdal)

In this 5th edition, the Challenge gathered students from all over the world: from India, Hong Kong and Australia to Mexico, Canada and the USA, as well as numerous European countries. More than 150 student teams -almost 800 students- representing over 100 schools and universities answered the call to design sustainable service solutions that can turn the tide for good.

With solutions focusing on a variety of issues, ranging from gynaecological violence to chronic disease treatment, and from thermal comfort to vampire power consumption, it was difficult for the Jury to select the winning concept based on how well the solutions met the challenge's comprehensive criteria: people centric, society oriented, circular & sustainable, technology enabled, and business viable and experience based.

After assessing all final submissions, the jury awarded team Innove from Politecnico di Milano the GOLD prize. The jury also awarded four honourable mentions to teams whose service concepts scored highly in a particular criterion.

The Jury: "First and foremost, we want to recognise and congratulate the tremendous effort, creativity, and dedication shown by all teams. Life is a sequence of challenges—personal, professional, and collective. These challenges are the spice of life; they make our lives meaningful. They can be exciting, tiring, and sometimes even scary. You all accepted this challenge not just to win a contest but to embark on a meaningful journey. Congratulations on making this decision, as it makes you all winners. You win when you undertake something and face it head-on without fear of losing. You win when you recognise that the journey itself is the goal and persevere through it. You win when you understand that we always learn more from our failures than from our successes.

You have proven yourselves to be determined, curious, and unafraid to embark on new adventures. You have worked hard and shown a willingness to see things through. We commend your dedication and effort in this challenge. Keep pushing forward and embracing new challenges."

Winner SSDC2024 (overall)


GOLD winner

Refilme - Fill more. Film more. Feel more

The SSDC 2024 jury unanimously awarded the GOLD prize of the overall competition to 'Refilme' from team Innove (Politecnico di Milano). Refilme is an innovative service based on a closing-the-loop ecosystem approach that not only aims to transform the cosmetic packaging industry but also people’s individual skincare routine into an eco-friendly and engaging experience.

Team Innove: "One major insight we discovered was that while skincare users are willing to participate in sustainable actions, they often feel discouraged due to a lack of transparency and control in the system. Users desire a skincare routine that makes them feel good personally but often do not see the immediate impact of their sustainable actions, leading to a sense of futility."


"We believe the Refilme service exemplifies an impressive effort to make the habitual use of skincare products, such as sunscreens, both sustainable and enjoyable. It combines a broad strategy for product circularity with a tactical approach that captures the 'feel good' moments of users. This solution is a comprehensive example of a product-service system, where all elements — physical, digital, and communicational — are meticulously designed and integrated into a cohesive whole and where every touchpoint is customisable and adaptable, making it possible to integrate the solution into different locations and manage it with various brands and partners, ensuring scalability and a local focus."


Team Innove is four students from Politecnico di Milano currently working towards their M.Sc. in Product-Service System Design. Their backgrounds include product, graphic, communications, and strategy design. Coming from Indonesia, Philippines and Japan and with different professional backgrounds, they are united in their passion for crafting sustainable, circular services that can have a positive impact on society.

"Over the past five months, we've learned valuable lessons from this challenge that have improved our grasp of service design and the circular economy. We learned by doing, hitting the streets and embracing new methods and tools in service design to address problems effectively. We appreciate the classes and guidance from our coaches, which were invaluable to our team's progress and individual growth."

Team Innove Team members - Kezia Jane Rivan, Julienne Alexis Joven, Ganjar Satrio and Ayano Osawa

Winners Philips Challenge


First place
(8-week design incubation program)


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

ChorniCare - a medical service for Chinese elderly with chronic diseases

Philips’ jury selected ‘ChorniCare’ from team Penicillin (Tongji University) as the 1st place winning service. ChorniCare is a medical service for Chinese elderly with chronic diseases that bridges the support gap between home monitoring and hospital follow-ups, promoting efficient communication, and enhancing connections among patients, families, hospitals, and fellow patients. The team was also recognised with an Honourable Mention in the overall competition.

Team Penicillin: "Initially, we addressed 3 gaps simultaneously: information, emotion and system. However, we realised these gaps have a sequential order. By first bridging the information gap, we can subsequently address the emotion and system gaps, enhancing overall patient care and emotional connection."


"We are highly impressed with ChorniCare's seamless support system for the elderly with chronic diseases. The project's community focus, user empowerment, and innovative use of technology to transform medical assistance stood out, showcasing significant potential to improve lives."


Team Penicillin comprises undergraduate and graduate design students from the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. With expertise in environmental and interaction design, the team is dedicated to researching medical services for elderly Chinese patients with chronic diseases.

"Participating in the Challenge has been a transformative journey for us, fostering both our design skills and personal growth. Engaging with the elderly has allowed us to truly empathise with them, motivating us to offer care and assistance. We have gained deep insights into the challenges patients and caregivers face. The invaluable advice from our coaches helped us refine our ideas, and we explored many new methods with the guidance of the Challenge materials."

Team Penicillin Team members - Zirun Xu, Jialin Yuan, Xuan Huang, Mingyu Li and Yuze Song


Second place


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

Equita - preventing gynaecological violence

Second place was awarded by Philips to service 'Equita' from team Equita (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), a service designed to reduce gyneco-obstetric violence and improve reproductive and gynaecological health in Chile. Also in the overall competition, team Equita received an Honourable Mention.

Team Equita: "Through our research, we identified significant challenges in the Chilean healthcare system, particularly related to gynaecological violence. This systemic problem, exacerbated by a fragmented medical system and shortages of healthcare personnel, results in negative patient experiences and avoidance of necessary care."


"We applaud Equita's comprehensive digital service designed to address gynaecological violence and improve reproductive health. The project's authentic research and user-centred design, focusing on creating accountability and improving care quality, were highly impressive."


Team Equita is a group of 7 design students at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile with a strong interest in positively impacting Chilean gynaecological health services. The team firmly believes that through innovation in service design, they can address the specific needs of women and generate a positive impact on their wellbeing.

"Participating in the contest has been a unique and enriching experience for our development as designers. It allowed us to deepen our understanding of service design and apply new tools to our projects to create a positive impact on people. We are grateful for the methodology and motivation provided. The dedication of the coaches and classes and access to diverse expert perspectives have broadened our vision and enhanced our skills."

Team Equita Team members - Valeria Sawady, Renata Ramos Basulto, Josefina Rojas Dezerega, Sofía Rizzoli Dallaserra, Francisca Valenzuela, María Victoria Bórquez Ibáñez and Renata Vergara


Third place

Co-Doc - transforming sickcare to healthcare

3rd place in the Philips challenge was awarded to team WINsight (SDSI Erasmus Mundus Joint Master) for their service concept 'Co-Doc', an AI patient management system designed to support family doctors by reducing their administrative burden, allowing them to spend more time with patients.

Team WINsight: "In the last round, we revisited our problem statement to ensure we were addressing the correct issue. This deeper investigation into the root causes of our stakeholders' insights led us to design a service that supports family doctors with efficient screening practices while reducing their administrative burden."


"We value Co-Doc's innovative approach to supporting family doctors through an AI co-pilot that enhances patient interaction and reduces administrative tasks. The project's potential to improve healthcare delivery and patient experience was particularly noteworthy."


Team WINsight is five Master's students from 4 continents with business, design and marketing backgrounds. They are on a service design journey in the Erasmus Mundus SDSI Joint Master programme in Service Design Strategies and Innovations in Latvia. They share one vision: to find the key insights and design meaningful and sustainable solutions for people.

"Our journey had many twists and turns, leading to new discoveries about different problem-solving methods and allowing our team to evolve in the face of various hurdles and new perspectives. We have made significant progress in refining and reshaping new ideas, bringing us to a point where we are ready to tackle future challenges with confidence and capability."

Team WINsight Team members - Dániel Koczka, Bongkod Trilerdnawakid, Amna Mohamed, Xavier Jones, Maarja Karlson

Winners IKEA Challenge


First place
(8-week design incubation program)


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

Plugg-Out - managing vampire power consumption at home

The jury awarded team Tejas (Delhi Technological University) the 1st place in the IKEA challenge for their service, 'Plugg-Out', which offers an easy, cost-effective, and convenient system for individuals to manage vampire power consumption. Team Tejas was also recognised with an Honourable Mention in the overall competition.

Team Tejas: "Our focus was identifying the various factors responsible for vampire wastage and providing a solution in alignment with the needs of users. We consulted industry experts, developed various concepts, and conducted surveys which allowed us to understand user preferences and come up with a unique service for urban households in Delhi."


"We appreciate Plugg-Out's simplicity and practicality, making it an effective solution for promoting sustainable behaviour among users. The project's focus on reducing vampire power consumption through an easy-to-implement service highlighted its potential for significant environmental impact."


Team Tejas is a group of six Master of Design students from Delhi Technological University (DTU), India. They are a team of engineers, architects, and designers, each with unique skill sets. United by a common vision of creating a better future, they try to push the boundaries of conventional design and create impactful, transformative experiences for individuals and communities alike.

"Participating in the challenge was an invaluable learning experience for our team. We discovered how small, often overlooked habits can have significant consequences. Understanding a real-world problem and developing a user-friendly service presented a substantial learning curve. This journey taught us the importance of being open-minded and embracing constructive criticism to arrive at the best possible solution."

Team Tejas Team members - Aiswarya Murali, Akshat Sharma, Anurag Darolia, Pratyush Anson, Priya Sharma and Sameer Gautam


Second place


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

Hexaterm - a modular system to improve thermal comfort at home

Second place was awarded to team Ecohab (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) for their service 'Hexaterm', which builds community engagement and sustainability through a modular, community-centric system.

Team Ecohab: "Our team identified the challenge of optimising thermal conditions in workspaces to enhance productivity and comfort. Considering environmental and social impacts, we focused on solutions that enhance comfort without sacrificing energy efficiency or disrupting daily routines."


"We are impressed with Hexaterm's innovative approach to fostering community engagement and environmental consciousness through a flexible and scalable design. The integration of community-driven activities and resource-sharing was particularly noteworthy, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of sustainability."


Team Ecohab is a group of fifth-year design students from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, specialising in service design and environmental conservation, and interested in promoting responsible and conscious design of their surroundings and context.

"We approached this experience with some trepidation, as it was our first time operating in an English-speaking environment. However, as we progressed, we gained confidence and successfully met our goals. The most enriching aspect was working alongside coaches and experienced individuals who equipped us with essential tools to discover and understand users' needs, helping us conceive a product that is innovative and environmentally conscious. Finally, studying a topic that affects us, such as extreme weather, allowed us to better understand users and reflect on our own behaviours and how we manage energy consumption today."

Team Ecohab Team members - Micaela D’Urso, Javiera Castillo, Mariana Guajardo, Annais Bertin and Paloma Carrasco


Third place

Boxerang - reducing waste through reuse and repurposing

3rd place in the IKEA challenge was awarded to team Loopwholes (London College of Communication, University of the Arts London) and their service concept 'Boxerang', a platform that repurposes and reuses existing assets to reduce waste.

Team Loopwholes: "Boxerang stemmed from the needs of our local London context. Our research revealed a larger issue: a broken recycling system, sorting behaviour, and accessibility to circularity. Thus, we designed a service embedded within IKEA to leverage its partnerships and consumer base. Our goal was to avoid creating more consumerism and focus on realistic circularity."


"We applaud Boxerang's relevance and thoughtful approach to creating a circular economy, effectively reducing waste and promoting sustainability. The concept of repurposing and reusing packaging materials demonstrated a deep understanding of sustainable practices and their real-world applications."


Loopwholes is a team of designers from the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London, who are passionate about sustainability and social welfare. Their backgrounds in user experience, industrial design, communications, and eco-social justice converge in their approach to service design.

"Our journey in the Challenge has been an invaluable experience, shaping us into more proficient and empathetic designers. It enabled us to push our own boundaries and really grow. There were so many times when we were stuck, struggling to figure out how to go ahead, but we kept trying, motivating each other. We learned to work in many different ways with so many different collaborators, explored a lot of tools, understood many different concepts, which made this experience really fulfilling and rewarding. As we move forward, we are excited to apply the lessons learned and continue our journey in the field of service design, striving to make a positive difference in the world."

Team Loopwholes Team members - Anuya Desai, Arohi Dhore, Aditi Bhatt and Sharmila Gnanakumar Malathi

Winners Laerdal Challenge


First place
(8-week design incubation program)


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

Laerdal Connected Community - building collaborative cultures for cardiac arrest emergencies

The Leardal jury awarded 1st place to team Infinity and Beyond (London College of Communication) for their service concept 'Laerdal Connected Communities' (LCC). The service enhances an online first-aid training platform by integrating local community interventions, empowering grassroots action groups to build and sustain collaborative cultures.

Team Infinity & Beyond: "Given the siloed knowledge of the defibrillator network and the disparity of access to defibrillators, our team realised the need to foster a collaborative culture within the community. This would recognise the needs and potential contributions of various actors during time-critical cardiac arrest emergencies, ensuring a more efficient and effective response."


"We are deeply impressed with the team's service. The storytelling and innovative approach to community engagement in emergency response were compelling. The integration of social media and community-based interventions showcased its potential for significant impact in saving lives and improving emergency services."


Team Infinity & Beyond comprises six Master in Service Design students from London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. As a group of designers with diverse perspectives and backgrounds, they are interested in what it means individually and collectively to be a designer within local communities and how they can utilise systemic design practices in place-based settings.

"Our team embarked on this project to enhance support within deprived communities. Through deep engagement with community members and experts, we were able to gain valuable insights and identify crucial gaps in the system. This process has been both enlightening and motivating for us. We are excited to continue our efforts, knowing that our work can make a meaningful difference in fostering resilient and collaborative cultures."

Team Infinity & Beyond Team members - Divya Elizabeth Charlie, Constance Chen, Chenyu (Jasmine) Chou, Yuxuan Ma, Zhixi Wang (Chelsea) and Vicky Worrall


Second place


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

Didi Hero - delivering emergency assistance through ride-hailing services

Second place was awarded by Laerdal to team Shero (Tongji University) for their service, 'Didi Hero', which leverages existing ride-sharing networks to provide timely medical assistance in urban settings. Team Shero also received an Honourable Mention in the overall competition.

Team Shero: "In Shanghai, ambulance round-trip times increase dramatically during road congestion. Given that the scheduling system for internet rides is highly developed and operates 24/7, we identified an opportunity to integrate ridesharing systems with the EMS system that could enable faster access to care for patients and reduce the strain on the EMS system."


"We commend Didi Hero for its innovative use of ride-hailing services to enhance urban emergency response. The systemic approach and potential for significant societal impact highlighted the project's ingenuity and relevance in addressing critical urban challenges."


Team Shero is a group of six master's students from the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University, China. With three service design students and three environmental design students on the team, they are committed to learning and creating a meaningful life and a better world.

"When we first met in February, we didn't know we would come this far. Our journey involved significant team effort, filled with laughter and discussions. Initially, we knew little about Shanghai's emergency medical system despite living here. We are grateful to the coaches for their support and to the medical staff, taxi drivers, and participants for their kindness and patience. Our team is proud of our outcome and the learning process. Our biggest takeaway is a new mindset for user research, realising its true value and methods over instinct."

Team Shero Team members - Zixin Ren, Wenrui Dai, Benyu Hu, Sijia Yang, Lei Haoyue and Yating Ren


Third place

LifeSaver - enhancing people’s first aid knowledge

In third place, the Laerdal jury awarded team Muni (Masaryk University) for their service 'LifeSaver', a comprehensive support system providing microlearning and short practical training to improve people's first aid knowledge.

Team Muni: "Many people over 50 in the Czech Republic want to provide first aid but fear causing harm due to outdated knowledge. Despite being active, they face ageism and health risks, leading to low self-confidence. Our goal was to empower them with up-to-date first-aid skills, transforming them into empathetic responders who can help others and themselves through continuous education."


"LifeSaver presents a comprehensive approach and supreme understanding of the problem within its local context. The service effectively identified and addressed key challenges through thorough research and innovative methods, particularly in targeting and co-creating solutions with the elderly. This insightful and detailed approach demonstrated a deep grasp of the issues and potential solutions in emergency response."


Team Muni is a group of six Bachelor's students from Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic. Fuelled by a passion for service design and a hunger for knowledge, they have embarked on a career transition within this innovative discipline. Living in France, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, they have mastered the art of seamless hybrid collaboration. Their virtual meetings often feature cats & kids, and the team hopes to meet each other in person in the near future.

"Participating in the Student Service Design Challenge has been an incredible journey for our team over the past five months. We accepted the challenge to motivate people to learn about first aid, and it turned out to be a remarkable learning experience. We explored new service design methods, improved our research skills, designed a successful survey, and created a business model. This competition has been a phenomenal opportunity for personal and professional growth, equipping us with invaluable knowledge and skills for our future endeavours."

Team Muni Team members - Jana Hanfová, Martina Krivošová, Karolína Nová, Anna Surovková, Maya Veselá Kopecká and Lucia Záčiková

Winners ISDIN Challenge


First place
(8-week design incubation program)


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

Refilme - turning skincare into a sustainable experience

The ISDIN jury selected 'Refilme' from team Innove (Politecnico di Milano) as the 1st place winning service. Team Innove also won the GOLD prize in the overall competition. Refilme is an innovative service based on a closing-the-loop ecosystem approach that not only aims to transform the cosmetic packaging industry but also people’s individual skincare routine into an eco-friendly and engaging experience.

Team Innove: "Our research revealed that users often feel a lack of control and transparency in the current recycling system, discouraging their participation in sustainable actions despite their willingness. They desire a genuine and grounded system that avoids empty claims, reconnects them with local communities, and fosters pride in community-led solutions. This highlights the need for a visible, feedback-driven approach that builds trust and encourages habitual sustainable behaviour."


"Aligned with ISDIN's values of 'healthy, happy, beautiful lives,' this idea could be already implemented within the company's ecosystem. You have considered the solution from different angles, seeing how it can benefit the end user as well as other stakeholders such as pharmacists, recycling companies, and local artists. The problem is well-defined, and the proposed solution makes a lot of sense. The comprehensive and practical approach ensures it can have a significant positive impact within ISDIN."


Team Innove is four students from Politecnico di Milano currently working towards their M.Sc. in Product-Service System Design. Their backgrounds include product, graphic, communications, and strategy design. Coming from Indonesia, Philippines and Japan and with different professional backgrounds, they are united in their passion for crafting sustainable, circular services that can have a positive impact on society.

"Over the past five months, we've learned valuable lessons from this challenge that have improved our grasp of service design and the circular economy. We learned by doing, hitting the streets and embracing new methods and tools in service design to address problems effectively. We appreciate the classes and guidance from our coaches, which were invaluable to our team's progress and individual growth."

Team Innove Team members - Kezia Jane Rivan, Julienne Alexis Joven, Ganjar Satrio and Ayano Osawa


Second place


SILVER winner:
monetary prize of EUR 2,500
+ EUR 2,000 for the University

YourServe - promoting health and sustainability in sports

Second place was awarded by ISDIN to team Hurry Podders (Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London) for their service 'YourServe'. Through a circular service ecosystem, composed of pumps, refill stations and events, it promotes the use of sunscreen while reducing waste in tennis settings.

Team Hurry Podders: "Our primary and secondary research pushed us to gain a better understanding of our local context, consumers’ needs, and the ecosystem of the skincare industry. Entering the converging phase was challenging due to the multitude of insights gathered. We focused on consumption and disposal processes and added external influences such as London culture and leisure."


"We commend the team for their innovative approach to promoting sun protection through the integration of sunscreen pumps at tennis courts. They appreciated the creative and practical solution, which not only encourages healthy habits but also seamlessly integrates into the sporting environment."


Team Hurry Podders is a group of multidisciplinary master's students from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London (MA Innovation Management) who share a strong interest in leveraging their practice with innovation and creative thinking. Drawing from experience in public transport services, publishing, environmental design, product design, fashion and creative industries at large, their mission is to embrace their cultural background to develop disrupting concepts or ideas to better respond to challenges of different nature and scale.

"Participating in SSDC2024 has been an exciting and memorable journey for our diverse, multi-disciplinary team. Since many of us don't have a design background, a clear brief and methodology became our guiding light. Our team's vibrant mix of cultures and perspectives allowed us to engage deeply in the ethnographic study of our shared city, London, where we delved into and drew inspiration from its citizens' everyday lives. This experience not only enriched our understanding but also stimulated our creativity, resulting in a solution that exceeded our initial expectations."

Team Hurry Podders Team members - Zhenli Liu, Kenji Sho Christen, Satoko Suzuki, Yanni Wang, Mikito Morikawa and Natsumi Matsuoka


Third place

Harmony - transforming sickcare to healthcare

3rd place in the ISDIN challenge was awarded to team InsideOut (Carnegie Mellon University) for 'Harmony', a service that promotes circularity in beauty products by combining refilling and recycling using AI for personalisation.

Team InsideOut: "From our research and stakeholder interviews, our team identified the need for beauty and wellness brands to adopt a mixed model of refillable and recyclable packaging. By doing so, brands can share ownership with users and effectively close the loop by extending the life of beauty packaging and reintegrating it into the production cycle."


"We value Harmony's realistic approach to integrating skin-tracking technology within ISDINs existing ecosystem, enhancing user experience without the need for an alternative system. The project's focus on user convenience and relevance to customer needs was highly commendable."


Team InsideOut is five graduate students enrolled in the Master of Integrated Innovation for Products and Services program at Carnegie Mellon University. Drawing from diverse backgrounds and interdisciplinary expertise spanning engineering, design and business, they are deeply committed to problem-solving through an intersectional lens. Collectively, their focus lies in forging a future that is both resilient and environmentally sustainable.

"Participating in the service design challenge was a great learning experience. Through our research, we gained a deep understanding of the challenges businesses and individuals face when adopting a circular and sustainable mindset. We also honed our ability to think in systems, grasping the complexities and interconnections among stakeholders to identify high-impact leverage points. This experience enriched us both as designers and individuals, deepening our understanding of the design process and allowing us to apply our learning immediately."

Team InsideOut Team members - Sri Lakshmi Pakhala, Suvarsha Rai, Isha Raghuvanshi, Heena Barhate and Dev Vijh

Prizes and recognition

All 1st place winning teams earn an 8-week design incubation program under the wing of their respective organisation to further prototype and optimise their concept. During those weeks they will receive guidance from experts in areas such as prototyping, sustainability, technology, and design.

Most notably, all winning teams and their service design solutions will be highlighted and showcased online. This Challenge ends with an exhibition during the Dutch Design Week 2024 (DDW24).

Proprietary rights - The Student Service Design Challenge is not liable for any copyright or trademark infringement on the part of the entrants and is not responsible for obtaining, protecting, or verifying any intellectual property rights relating to the submission material. It is the responsibility of the student design teams to use their own materials and designs, and clearly highlight references. They have been advised and required to obtain third party consents where required by law or by best ethical practices. If you discover that in the submitted materials and designs copyrighted items have been unintentionally used, we ask you to contact us by email. We will ask the concerning student team to delete those items.

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Initiated and organized by SERVICE DESIGN COLLEGE.

In collaboration with


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Connect with us


Until when can teams register?
Registration closes on January 26, 2024.
Can I enter the challenge alone?
You cannot participate as an individual student. You need to be part of a team of 4 to 7 members.
Is there any limitation on the number of members in a team?
Yes. The team needs to have at the least 4 team members and no more than 7 team members. All team members have to be students.
I am not a Service Design student. Can I enter the challenge?
Yes, you can. You need to be part of a multidisciplinary team, preferably with at least one design student.
Is there an age limit for entering the challenge?
No, there are no age restrictions, as long as you meet the criteria about student status.
Can a team submit more than one research proposal?
Yes a team can submit more than one research proposal, but you should submit each proposal separately.
What happens to our ideas, materials, etc.?
As a participant in the challenge you will retain intellectual property ownership of all your challenge submission ideas. Please read more about this in our Official rules before submitting.